Türkçü Turancı Otağ

HUNTURK-ATTILA'S TURANIAN FORUM => For English Speaker Users => Konuyu başlatan: ilteris7 - 26 Haziran 2008

Başlık: Euro2008 Türkiye:2 - Germany:3 (SEMİ FİNAL)
Gönderen: ilteris7 - 26 Haziran 2008
 We fought very well in the pitch. However we were unlucky this night. In addition we played first time in the semifinals of Europe Championships.

 Congrutulations to our coach, all technical and other staff and our players. They did their best.

Başlık: Ynt: Euro2008 Türkiye:2 - Germany:3 (SEMİ FİNAL)
Gönderen: Marka Ragnos - 26 Haziran 2008
You had no your best players in this match. :-(

Well, you will take bronze.

And Germany has now deserved championship.

I said that I hope that winner of that match will be a champion. My favourite not won, though...
Başlık: Ynt: Euro2008 Türkiye:2 - Germany:3 (SEMİ FİNAL)
Gönderen: ilteris9 - 28 Haziran 2008
It was a good match. We played well, we lost with our honor.

I'll now cheer for España ;D
Başlık: Ynt: Euro2008 Türkiye:2 - Germany:3 (SEMİ FİNAL)
Gönderen: Marka Ragnos - 29 Haziran 2008
I cheer for Germany. :-)

I have always hated spaniards (spics). :-D