Gönderen Konu: Bad behaviours of Hungarians  (Okunma sayısı 5848 defa)

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Bad behaviours of Hungarians
« : 24 Ocak 2008 »
I am really irritated by the fact that modern Hungarians are claiming the Huns to be their ancestors. The truth is that, the Magyars were an Ugric people, and they mixed with some Turkic peoples like the On Oġurs (Volga Bulgars) who caused the originially forest-dwelling Magyars to adopt the Turkic steppe lifestyle. Whereas, the Huns, a Turkic people (definitially not Ugrian), had already ceased to exist as a separate people after the fall of their state, when they joined the Oġurs and got assimiliated into them. Even if the Magyars (whose English name Hungarian comes from French Ongrie which comes from German Ungarn which comes from Turkic On Oġur, because they were made up of ten tribes) have any Hunnic ancestors, it must be very very limited, thus non-effective, because they were only little mixed with the On Oġurs, and it's obvios that there weren't that many Huns among the On Oġurs who created Volga Bulgaria.

My advise to the Hungarians who claim the Huns, would be to stop this looser act, and accept the fact that the Huns were a Turkic people, and that the Magyars have nothing to do with the Huns. I am sick of loosers claiming something which did and does not belong to them. You are Magyars, an Ugric people, not Turkic Huns.

Plus, I have no problems with the Finns because they never claim something Turkic to be their's. I am very aware of the difference between Turkish and Turkic, and I don't claim the European Huns to be the direct ancestors of Anatolian Turks, because we are Oġuz Turks, not Huns, but nevertheless, both the Huns and the Oġuz were Turkic.

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Ynt: Bad behaviours of Hungarians
« Yanıtla #1 : 24 Ocak 2008 »

What you say is entirely true for the average Magyar who doesn't like Turks by referring to the Turkish rule in Hungary, which lasted about 150 years. However, you also have Magyars who accept the Turkishness, therefore, I think, these ones are right to consider Attila their's.
The other one that says "Magyars are descendent of the Huns; Huns have no relationship with Turks" is the target of your comment, I think. Just look at the guy playing Attila in the movie Attila the Hun, he could look like a bit more a Turanian.
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Çevrimdışı Marka Ragnos

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Ynt: Bad behaviours of Hungarians
« Yanıtla #2 : 24 Ocak 2008 »
I am not neither Ugric nor Turkic but just Finnic, so in that issue I listen what You guys tells and don't start to claim anything. :wink:

However, I think that I can ask question concerning that issue:

-What about Csangos and Szekelys? What they are, totally Magyars or some other?

TTK! :asker:

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Ynt: Bad behaviours of Hungarians
« Yanıtla #3 : 24 Ocak 2008 »
I can remember that Magyars told that Magyars had been welcome by the Huns, already living in Transylvannia, when Arpad had led his people there (the Magyars). I don't know how true this piece of information is. Szekely Magyars are told to have pure blood, and not as Slavo-German mixed as the Magyars of Hungary. This may be true.

I don't want to be wrong understood. I supported my Ilteris9 Anda, which reproached to the ones who wanted to steal European Huns from Turks. Attila and his Hun were Turk, this cannot be subject of discussion. I cannot have any problem with the Magyar which thinks Attila also belongs to Turks and I agree that He also belongs to Magyar Brothers.
Swords shine, Wolves guide,
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We destroyed together legions of Rome
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Ynt: Bad behaviours of Hungarians
« Yanıtla #4 : 25 Ocak 2008 »
Thank you my dear Andas for supporting my ideas.