Gönderen Konu: MAGYAR GARDA  (Okunma sayısı 12764 defa)

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« : 11 Mayıs 2008 »
"Magyar Gárda (English Hungarian Guard) is a radical right-wing political movement in Hungary. It was founded through an "oath of loyalty to Hungary" by its members in Buda Castle, Budapest, in August of 2007 . They are backed by and developed out of the radical right-wing party, Jobbik.

The paramilitary group itself claims to aim at "defending the physically, psychically and mentally defenceless Hungary".


This is quite a new Hungarian Nationalistic group. Firstly, I thought that it was a Skin-Head group, then, from a few videos I watched in French, I've learnt they rather are keen to get the territories that Hungary lost to its neighbors (Szekel in Romania, Vojvodina to Serbia, the Entire southern Slovakia).

I also they're anti-gypsi anti-semitic.

Do you have right information about them ?
Swords shine, Wolves guide,
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We destroyed together legions of Rome
We invaded Anatolia, we called it home

Our Culture is nature,
Our Religion is Sky.

Çevrimdışı Marka Ragnos

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« Yanıtla #1 : 11 Mayıs 2008 »
Well, they accept non-Hungarians, also some jews and gipsies who feel themselves to Magyar.

Çevrimdışı Altay-Turan

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« Yanıtla #2 : 11 Mayıs 2008 »
Well, they accept non-Hungarians, also some jews and gipsies who feel themselves to Magyar.

Interesting, they're 5th quality Nationalists; just like the pro-kurd, alleged Nationalist Party of Turkey (MHP).

I thought that they were something like white pride organization, with some Hungarian Nationalism ...

As they accept suitable Jews and Gypsies, they are not EVEN that.
Swords shine, Wolves guide,
Our horses were our brothers.
We destroyed together legions of Rome
We invaded Anatolia, we called it home

Our Culture is nature,
Our Religion is Sky.


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« Yanıtla #3 : 13 Mayıs 2008 »
Hungary can not have any claim on entire Vojvodina, because the Hungarians are not the majority except in the northernmost city Subotic, plus some villages in the countryside perhaps. Cities like Novi Sad are heavily populated by Serbs, as far as I saw when I visited the region last year.

Çevrimdışı Altay-Turan

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« Yanıtla #4 : 13 Mayıs 2008 »
Hungary can not have any claim on entire Vojvodina, because the Hungarians are not the majority except in the northernmost city Subotic, plus some villages in the countryside perhaps. Cities like Novi Sad are heavily populated by Serbs, as far as I saw when I visited the region last year.
I've heard they only make up 40% of the population of the area in Serbia.
The same problem goes in Romania as well. The Hungarian minority lives in the centre of the country, just at the North of Bucarest, and they don't cover the Hungarian border of Romania at all.

I don't know if they could unite their ancient strong country from now on. I don't believe. They've decreasing birthrate, even in Hungary.
Swords shine, Wolves guide,
Our horses were our brothers.
We destroyed together legions of Rome
We invaded Anatolia, we called it home

Our Culture is nature,
Our Religion is Sky.

Çevrimdışı Turul1101

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« Yanıtla #5 : 21 Mart 2011 »
Well, they accept non-Hungarians, also some jews and gipsies who feel themselves to Magyar.

They don't exept Jews or Gipsyes - at least not officiallly. But there are jewish infiltrators they are not very good at keeping them out.

The Jobbik is an untrustworthy party - there are many trustworthy members in the lower ranks - but there are many jews and Communists at the top.

Jobbik was originally founded to subvert the Hungarian right - through the years many jewish elements have been purged - voted out - almost all of the original founders have been kicked out, but many jewish elements still remain. For example Kristina Morvai the formative "head" of the Jobbik is half jewish and married to Görgy Balo a full jew.

As for the Guard. Originally they were formed as "operett" soldiers by the Jobbik - for propaganda purposes. But now most of the Guard has liberated itself from the Jobbik. The Guard has broken up into 4 parts 1 part is still with the Jobbik, the Other 3 have formed a new union of the Guard that is free of the Jobbik. They are still a rag-tag outfit but they should improve over the years.

"Magyar létedre érzel fajod iránt ragaszkodást, hûséget, szeretetet?"

"Aki valóban hû marad fajához szerencsétlenségében is, abban megvannak az összes polgári erények."

"Csak a gyenge szereti önmagát, az erõs egész nemzeteket hordoz szívében."

"Állapítsd meg, mik a kötelességeid, teljesítsd õket pontosan."

"Mindenek elõtt áll elõttem a hûség a fajtámhoz!"

- Gróf Széchenyi István

Çevrimdışı TÜRK-KAN

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« Yanıtla #6 : 21 Mart 2011 »
  Gábor Vona interview, on Duna TV - JOBBIK .com

 Turul Anda,

 What about Gabor Vona ? I think he seems tough, well educated & noble guy. What do you think about him ?

Çevrimdışı Turul1101

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« Yanıtla #7 : 22 Mart 2011 »

The original cadre of the Jobbik led by Kovács Dávid were mostly Jews.

The Vona group replaced them after they were expelled after 2006 for cowardice during the 2006 demonstrations. Vona used to be a member of the Fidesz - that's the Hungarian AKP.

Of the 2 vice presidents of the Jobbik - Előd Novák controls the Kuruc.info site - the most popular right wing internet magazine - which is moderately useful - and is also in the Hungarian parlament. He was a member of the original cadre of the Jobbik. He was a Youth leader in the civic-nationalist MIEP party (which was the main party of the Hungarian right before the Jobbik) but betrayed them badly and joined the original Jobbik group. In 2006 he voluntarily resigned from the Jobbik after they (Kovács Dávid and friends) showed cowardice, and was consequenly reappointed to the leadership of the Jobbik when Vona took over. (there are wide spread and persistent rumors that he's of jewish origin too (he looks slightly like Leonard Nimoy the jewish actor - for that reason I usually call him Mr. Spock), and in MIEP youth there was talk of him having homosexual experiences - but this was after he betrayed them - so I don't know if that's true)

The Other vice president is Csanád Szegedi - a particularly noxious individual. He is az EU PM - he cooperates with Krisztina Morvai - he's deliberately useless for Hungarians in the EU, he's a spineless clown who tried to play "Turanist" one time - than turned around and started to worry about Greece's border with Turkiye and resolutely pronounced thet Turkiye has no place in "Europe". He's a despicable slimeball. A clown who plays any ridiculous role.

Many other members of the Jobbik leadership followed over from the MIEP party. Most of them are either relatively trust worthy populist/civic-nationalists or non-jewish careerists. Most of them are people I don't have a problem with.

(However there are rumors of infighting and factionalism within the Jobbik leadership - which is not surprising since the Jobbik itself is tacked together from many elements - the only thing keeping them together is either carreerism, or the desire to do something about the extreme circumstances in Hungary - if it weren't for poverty, opression, injustice, extreme gipsy crime, the worthlessness of the police, and the extreme injustice and double standards of the "justice" system -  it would break apart into a thousand pieces. Basically it's kept together by the many outrages and gross injustices in our country.)

Vona - as the leader of the Jobbik he gives good speeches and his stance and propaganda activity against the Fidesz is mostly satisfactory.

However he tolerates Jews and scumbags at the highest levels of the party. There are rumors of cooperation with criminal elements in his home district to get himself elected at any cost. And he is known to be of Serbian origin.

And more than once he neglected to take action where it would have been vitally important for the Hungarian nation - which we don't know if it is deliberate cooperation with our enemies or merely weakness. But when we really need action he is sure not to act.

Best case scenario he is well-meaning but weak, and unable to take action where necessary due to Jewish influence within his own party. Worse case scenario he is an active collaborator of the enemy. I don't have enough behind the scenes information to decide.

The original cadre of the Jobbik was definitely Jewish - where to put Vona - that I don't know. But what I can say for certain that as leader of the Jobbik he is barely adequate - adequate only in giving satisfying speeches.

Tough and well aducated I wouldn't call him. Noble - I wouldn't call him in hell. If that guy's noble than the average Hungarian peasant is Emperor of the World or Nietsche's "Overman" -  whichever you prefer.

Status wise I would rate him as slightly below the average Englishman. Or the best of our slavic city dwelling population. If he had a clear background I would employ him maybe as a secretary or some kind of mid range functionary.

Not a bad guy (so far as I know).. but..

"Magyar létedre érzel fajod iránt ragaszkodást, hûséget, szeretetet?"

"Aki valóban hû marad fajához szerencsétlenségében is, abban megvannak az összes polgári erények."

"Csak a gyenge szereti önmagát, az erõs egész nemzeteket hordoz szívében."

"Állapítsd meg, mik a kötelességeid, teljesítsd õket pontosan."

"Mindenek elõtt áll elõttem a hûség a fajtámhoz!"

- Gróf Széchenyi István

Çevrimdışı TÜRK-KAN

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« Yanıtla #8 : 22 Mart 2011 »
 I dont have detailed info about Hungarian Politics & Jobbik. Thank you so much.

 Jobbik represented himself Patriotic & Nationalist Party. They gave Pro-Turkish & Turanist in some of their statement so they have a positive view in Turkey.

 We have no idea about the inside of the party & its politics. However I still believe that there are our Hungarian brothers who supported this party because they have no other choice.

 Turul Anda, please inform us about the situation about Hungary, Hungarians in this English Section. We need it a lot.



Çevrimdışı Turul1101

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« Yanıtla #9 : 24 Mart 2011 »

Vona did give speeches to support Turkish-Hungarian friendship - but that he did because of the popularity of Turanism in national circles - not because of his own convictions.

Other members of the Jobbik most notably Novak and the Kuruc.info attacked Turkiye and Turks - a few months ago -  this is when Szegedi Csanád who formerly clowned as a "Turanist" also attacked Turkiye - because he saw that many on the far right (Christian and Germanic elements) supported this. (he - Szegedi is spineless you see - one day he is this the other day that)

As I said Jobbik has many different elements in it. Yes you are quite correct most Nationalistic Hungarians join because there is no (large) alternative.

"Turul Anda, please inform us about the situation about Hungary, Hungarians in this English Section. We need it a lot."

I would be happy to do that. The Fidesz the Hungarian AKP has 2/3 majority - they promised to do something about crime and poverty but are not doing anything, the situation is catastrophic.

The 2 Jobbik representatives in the EU Morvai Krisztina and Szegedi Csanád could do something about it in the EU but they are deliberately not doing anything. Not even trying.

The Jobbik at home is merely making speeches - but even if they weren't they could not do much anyway.

In early fabruary of this year 5 gypsyes went into a club where thousands of young people were, stabbed 3 girls to death and caused a crush from which 2 more people died. This happened in the middle of the capital. After this the time was ripe for mass demonstrations. But Vona - despite all efforts on my part and on the part of a few radicals - not only did not do anything but joined the governement in covering up the incident. - Which is the latest example of his cowardice and worthlessness.

On March 15 - the national commemorative day of the 1848 revolution the independent Hungarian Guard held a demonstration on the Square of Heroes - the central Square of Budapest - the police attacked them humiliated them - and made a lot of people angry. But there has been no reaction.

In the town of Gyöngyöspata gyipsy criminals caused tension nearing civil war - several unarmed volunteer groups deployed there to patrol - the jewish left wing is holding demonstrations in support of the criminals - and the police harass the volunteers.

Aside form all that the Gipsy situation is out of control - and our political response which would be the Jobbik is practicaly useless - the Guard is meager and under police pressure, the Fidesz - the Hungarian AKP is in charge with 2/3 majority - they are losing popularity, but the Jobbik is not a real alternative, and they - the Fidesz - are using "tricks" to try to ensure their continued stay in power. (they have a new constitution out, they are planning to give people with many children - who are mostly the gipsyes with 5-12 little gyipsyes per "family" - more than one vote per person - votes after the "children", they want to have an election in 2012 instead of 2014 - to grab 4 more years while their support has not totally eroded - etc. - they will probably also cheat on the elections  - that has happened before in Hungary..)

2 Groups are on trial for "terrorism" - one a 3 member group for shooting a few gipsyes back in 2008, another group for blowing up an empty bus at night - which bus was formerly used to carry gipsyes to demonstrations.

The few who wanted to fight are under lock and key - and no one is resisting actively right now.

So that's the situation - hell with no way out. And not enough men and resources to fight our way out.

"Magyar létedre érzel fajod iránt ragaszkodást, hûséget, szeretetet?"

"Aki valóban hû marad fajához szerencsétlenségében is, abban megvannak az összes polgári erények."

"Csak a gyenge szereti önmagát, az erõs egész nemzeteket hordoz szívében."

"Állapítsd meg, mik a kötelességeid, teljesítsd õket pontosan."

"Mindenek elõtt áll elõttem a hûség a fajtámhoz!"

- Gróf Széchenyi István