Gönderen Konu: The Anti-Turk French faggot : Voltaire  (Okunma sayısı 7362 defa)

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Çevrimdışı Altay-Turan

  • Yasakli
  • Türkçü-Turancı
  • ****
  • İleti: 150
  • Last Seljuk
My Dear and beloved Andas,

I was always interested in Literature, and especially in French literature that I considered as the best one in Occident culture. French has always been the elite language in Turkey too (Young Turks spoke French each other, Atatürk spoke it too, …). Among the authors I liked to read his poems was the rapist of  Rimbaud (another famous French poet) : Voltaire. I didn’t know he(!) was homosexual, indeed I forgot he was also French. I’ve recently discovered his poem dedicated to the prince Eugène (Austrian – I think Habsbourg): I translate into English:

 « Poursuivez les musulmans
Rompez bientôt la barrière
Faîtes mordre la poussière
Aux circoncis insolents
Et plein d’une ardeur guerrière
Foulant aux pieds les turbans
Achevez cette carrière
Au sérail des Ottomans »

“Pursue these muslims
Break soon the barrier off
Make bite the dust
To the unashamed circumsizeds
And full with martial enthusiasm
By trampling the turbans underfoot
Complete this career
In the Palace of the Ottomans”

This homoerectus-sexuel also thought that we, Turks, were enemies of Art! Which Art? The gayreek homosexual Art? Yes, we bombed the “Parthenon” in 1897. Our culture is Nature, is Sky, … Our architecture style should not be that!

Unfortunately, we see some Turkish Andas that think that Lamartine could have had a positive opinion about Turks and Turkish Civilization. It isn’t correct at all. Lamartine recommended to Serbs not to destroy the Skull Tower at Nis built by Ottomans , just because he thought that this will saveguard the Anti-Turkishness among them.
Swords shine, Wolves guide,
Our horses were our brothers.
We destroyed together legions of Rome
We invaded Anatolia, we called it home

Our Culture is nature,
Our Religion is Sky.


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Ynt: The Anti-Turk French faggot : Voltaire
« Yanıtla #1 : 23 Ocak 2008 »
François-Eugène, Prince of Savoy-Carignan, was an Italian nobleman who was raised in the palace of the French king Louis XIV. His real name was Principe Eugenio di Savoia in Italian. Later, he entered into the service of the Austrian Habsburgs, and served them until his death; thus, he is known in German as Prinz Eugen von Savoyen.

Çevrimdışı Altay-Turan

  • Yasakli
  • Türkçü-Turancı
  • ****
  • İleti: 150
  • Last Seljuk
Ynt: The Anti-Turk French faggot : Voltaire
« Yanıtla #2 : 23 Ocak 2008 »
Indeed Anda,

I hadn't checked out his roots. He wasn't Austrian, he left France because Louis XIV didn't accept to give him an important place in the French Army. Anyway, if we consider the battle of Vienna in 1683, in which Eugène took part too, the reason of our defeat was our mistakes. The Ottomon Pasa who headed the army, Merzifon'lu Kara Mustafa Pasa, had been waiting more than necessary to launch the final attack and wipping Vienna off.
Then, Poles had come to help Austrians (supported by the whole Europe). We didn't expect such a help from Poles. Moreover, we had helped them. Don't matter, they have been ashamed by Germans and Russkies they prefered to us. Well done!
Let's say Tengri doesn't apologize the enemy of the Turk.
Swords shine, Wolves guide,
Our horses were our brothers.
We destroyed together legions of Rome
We invaded Anatolia, we called it home

Our Culture is nature,
Our Religion is Sky.