Gönderen Konu: Turkey: a major regional power to engage or confront Iran  (Okunma sayısı 12486 defa)

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Çevrimdışı Marka Ragnos

  • Türkçü-Turancı
  • ****
  • İleti: 127
  • Kuolema juutalaisille!
Turk Kan: Thank You for info. It is important to know that there lives Turanians under iranic regime. My point is just that Iran is lesser evil for us than New World Order is. However, I cannot trust Iran either and I will not.


Çevrimdışı Altay-Turan

  • Yasakli
  • Türkçü-Turancı
  • ****
  • İleti: 150
  • Last Seljuk
Since the following years of the WW1, englishmen and russkies have been supporting the persian-aryan-indoeuropean-dark-skinned people or Persia. Those territories -at least the North- belong to us, they are historically ours. We have ruled Iran for 1000 years. We considered these people as inferior to us, we have mistreathed them during the whole History.

If not today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, any way, we'll take back our territories, it's our right. We've about 25.000.000 bloodbrothers who wait Turkey's actions, we should take part in an action against them. Not with Israël and its vassal-state USA, alone and lonely!

TTK, May Tengri bless, protect all Turks!
Swords shine, Wolves guide,
Our horses were our brothers.
We destroyed together legions of Rome
We invaded Anatolia, we called it home

Our Culture is nature,
Our Religion is Sky.