Gönderen Konu: Turkic Genocide  (Okunma sayısı 82595 defa)

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Ynt: Turkic Genocide
« Yanıtla #20 : 18 Şubat 2008 »
Bloody idiots :D :D :D :D


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Ynt: Turkic Genocide
« Yanıtla #21 : 19 Şubat 2008 »
 I read a Turkish book about the immigrants in Sweeden. It was written that Swedish Skinheads hate Greek immigrants as they did the same thing to Assyrian immigrants too...



Çevrimdışı Marka Ragnos

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Ynt: Turkic Genocide
« Yanıtla #22 : 19 Şubat 2008 »
Yes they hate. Though that greco/assyrian vs. swedes conflict is me scum vs. scum. :-D

About assyrians: There is alot of them in sweden. In my country I have seen only few. In my old class were three of them. :x


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Ynt: Turkic Genocide
« Yanıtla #23 : 19 Şubat 2008 »
Yes these assyrians are another shit too. Kıros killed and made genocides against them. However they accused about Turks not kurds. They cooperate with all kurd terrorists agains Turkey with the support and aids of Sweeden.


Çevrimdışı Marka Ragnos

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Ynt: Turkic Genocide
« Yanıtla #24 : 19 Şubat 2008 »
It is very interesting that why sweden protects kurds, somalis, assyrians, greeks and whatever, but still they ban using Finnish language in Finnish historical areas even.  :x

So their filthy state accepts anti-Finnish policy, but being anti-whoever other is racism. :?


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Ynt: Turkic Genocide
« Yanıtla #25 : 19 Şubat 2008 »
 There was a documentary program in Turkish Tv which was called Sınırlar Arasında(Between The Borders). The programmer of the Documentary was Banu Avar(she is still going on the programme).

 She made a program last year which was told about Sweedens Human Rights Policy.

 She criticisized Sweedens policy against our Saami(brothers). Sweeden governments banned saami language, culture life style, and  made cruel discriminations against them such as sterilizing Saami women too... And these Turanic brothers had no damage Sweden and Swedish people.

 I can undestand why Sweeden supported kurds. Off course it is not loving of these monkeys. They wanted to have resources in the Minor Asia where the kurds invaded. They havenot these resources(petrol, natural gas etc.).  However they have to main their luxury life-style in their country. So that they supported kıros.
 But I dont understand why they support assyrians, greeks, terrorists(kurds again) and other illegal immigrants. Because these have no resources for Sweeden, they only exploit the countries finance. Local Sweedes also dont like these becaus ethey are potential terrorists and criminals.

 I think Sweeden is playing a gambling. If it doesnot win, Sweeden will be demolished by these parasites which it has owned and protected.



Çevrimdışı Marka Ragnos

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Ynt: Turkic Genocide
« Yanıtla #26 : 19 Şubat 2008 »
Yes, sweden have made much crimes against Saamis too. :x

Saamis sufered there similar like us once, and that still continues, though now in minor scale, but still.

The worst swedish rulers who were most quilty of Finnic genocide were gustav wasa, carl IX and carl XII. (Dont wonder why I not use capital letters).

I hope destruction of sweden, and the fact is that most areas in north of stockholm is historical Finnish and Saamis soil.

And even Skåne belongs to Denmark actually. :wink:

Çevrimdışı Altay-Turan

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Ynt: Turkic Genocide
« Yanıtla #27 : 19 Şubat 2008 »

 I think Sweeden is playing a gambling. If it doesnot win, Sweeden will be demolished by these parasites which it has owned and protected.

Sweden will of course lose, I pray Tengri for that.
And yes, Swedes will suffer a lot from their jewish-connected allies, when kiros and their assyrians blood-brothers will rape their women, steal by pilferage in their houses. Just remember the kiro, in one of the turistic area of Turkey, when he raped 4 turists (Dutch and Russians, including one man!); because of that monkey, Turkey's reputation was very badly affected in the whole world.
Thus, Sweden likes playing, they'll pay it :)

Yes they hate. Though that greco/assyrian vs. swedes conflict is me scum vs. scum. :-D

About assyrians: There is alot of them in sweden. In my country I have seen only few. In my old class were three of them. :x

Greeks are happy to be part of the "Aryan" race:)!! However, they are confused with Arabs, everywhere in Europe. Reason for that is they're too hairy, and have always black hair and black eyes. The few blonds among them are raciallly Albanian or Slavic.
Swords shine, Wolves guide,
Our horses were our brothers.
We destroyed together legions of Rome
We invaded Anatolia, we called it home

Our Culture is nature,
Our Religion is Sky.

Çevrimdışı Marka Ragnos

  • Türkçü-Turancı
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Ynt: Turkic Genocide
« Yanıtla #28 : 19 Şubat 2008 »
About greeks:

I heard once theory that romans moved alot of population from Palmyra (Syria) and Nabatea to Greece once, so that's why ancient greek people are not exist actually in Greece anymore.

I am not sure about that theory though...


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Ynt: Turkic Genocide
« Yanıtla #29 : 21 Şubat 2008 »
I don't know that one, but most of the Greeks that were sent to Greece in 1923 were pre-Greek Anatolians who had adopted the Greek language during the Hellenistic period. Plus, most of the Northern (and maybe even Central) Greeks have largely Slavic and Albanian blood.

I am also very sick of those Scandinavian countries supporting groups against Turkey. At least Suomi is still pro-Turkish I guess.

Banu Avar is one of my most favorite TV shows indeed (actually, I watch only two programs in TV) :) Eventhough she has some leftist flavour, she is still doing many things that so-called "nationalists" in Turkey never do.