The following pictures were published following the fiasco of a group of Turkish 'intellectuals' who signed an apology to the Armenians for something that we have never done in the first place.
First of all,
We as in this forum apologize for having to share with you these disturbing images. They are all photographs of what the Armenians did to Turks in 1915. They document the
REAL Genocide.
I have made translations available under each photograph.

Top Part:
We “apologize” for your having to have used blunt knives when beheading us and thus having had to spend a lot of time in killing us.
Lower Part:
Two Turks beheaded by Armenians
Massacre Exerted by the Armenian on the Turks During World War 1 Pictures
Top Part:
I “apologize” for striving to live and managing to survive your attempt to burn me alive.
Lower Part:
A Turkish woman in Kars who survived despite being burned by Armenians
Massacre Exerted by the Armenian on the Turks During World War 1 Pictures

Top Part:
I was willing to give anything, including my life, to protect my honor, and I left you with this reality, the reality of my death. However, I “apologize” for not having given you enough satisfaction as you raped my lifeless body upon my death.
Lower Part:
A Turkish woman named Pakize in Erzincan who was killed and raped by Armenians
Massacre Exerted by the Armenian on the Turks During World War 1 Pictures
Top Part:
We “apologize” for the time, energy, and ammunition you wasted upon running into us and slaughtering us as we were returning to our village.
Lower Part:
Turkish soldiers who were martyred by Armenian committee members on 23 July, 1915, in the Lice borough of the province of Diyarbakir, in the villages of Kum and Çom. The soldiers had been discharged from service due to weather issues, and their hands and feet were bound as they were killed.
Source: Armenian Rebellions and Insurrection Movements

Top Part:
We “apologize” for failing to provide you with a better working conditions so that you could more easily murder us.
Lower Part:
Armenians making cartridges in vaults.
Source: Armenian Rebellions and Insurrection Movements

Top Part:
We “apologize” for bringing to light your attempts to form an organized army through occasionally capturing from you weapons and supplies that would be enough to equip a battalion, and as such endangering your efforts at ethnic cleansing.
Lower Part:
A portion of the weapons captured from Armenians in Hacin (Saimbeyli).
Source: Massacre Exertd By The Armenian On The Turks During World War 1 Pictures.
translation by: Yazar Türk